Apelon container

Apelon container

Note: The following steps were performed in an Ubuntu machine.

Download apelon-docker project

git clone https://bitbucket.org/opencds/apelon-docker.git 

Download apelon dts

cd apelon-docker
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/apelon-dts/files/dts-linux/3.5.2/apelon-dts-

Transfer Apelon content from other databases

If you need to transfer content from another database you can place your dts_dump_file.sql file in apelon-docker folder and uncomment the lines that refer to dts_dump_file.sql on Dockerfile and config_mysql.sh.  Also you will need to comment the line that runs bkcreate.sh on Dockerfile.  

This blog note describes how to migrate Apelon content from MS-SQL to MySQL 

Dockerfile lines that refer dts_dump_file.sql
# Set up MySQL
#ADD dts_dump_file.sql /dts_dump_file.sql
COPY config_mysql.sh /config_mysql.sh
RUN chmod 755 /config_mysql.sh
RUN /config_mysql.sh; rm config_mysql.sh 
#RUN rm dts_dump_file.sql
COPY my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
config_mysql.sh that refer dts_dump_dile.sql
__start_mysql() {
echo "Running the start_mysql function."
mysqladmin -u root password mysqlPassword
#mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword -e "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS dts DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin"
mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword -e "CREATE DATABASE dts"
mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword -e "CREATE USER 'dts'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dts'"
mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'dts'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION"
mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES"
#mysql -uroot -pmysqlPassword dts < /dts_dump_file.sql
cd ${APELON_HOME}/bin/kb/create; ./kbcreate.sh # run this line if you are not using dts_dump_file.sql
killall mysqld
sleep 10

Build and deploy container

Build image
sudo docker build -t="opencds/apelon" .
Create container
sudo docker run -d --name apelon opencds/apelon

Access ApelonDTS on the Browser

Apelon browser will be available on x.x.x.x:8081/dtstreebrowser
starting server on x.x.x.x:6666

Find out the ipaddress of the container:

sudo docker inspect apelon | grep IPAddress

User Authentication

Please check apelon dts web site for more information about how to set up user authentication.  By the default authentication is disable on apelon-docker.  This is defined on apelon-docker / apelonserverprops.xml,  <property name="authentication" value="false"/>.    




Migrate MS-SQL apelon tontent to MySQL
