HSPC Sandbox container
HSPC Sandbox container
Download and build hspc code
git clone http://bitbucket.org/hspconsortium/hspc.git cd hspc mvn clean install
Download hspc dstu2 sandbox docker container files:
git clone https://bitbucket.org/opencds/hspc-docker.git
copy into the hspc-docker folder the following files:
- hsp-api.war
- hsp-auth.war
- hsp-reference-apps.war
- hsp-auth.war
- hsp-reference-apps.war
Build image:
sudo docker build -t="opencds/hspc:ubuntu" .
Create container:
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 2222:22 --name hspc opencds/hspc:ubuntu
Import sample patient data:
# The sandbox must be running cd hspc/hsp-tools/tools/target java -jar hsp-tools.jar org.hspconsortium.DataLoad -url http://localhost:8080/hsp-api/data
Test the Installation
- Open a browser and go to: http://localhost:8080/hsp-reference-apps
- Log in with "demo/demo"
- Select a patient
- Select an application
Issue a Test Query Against Your Unsecured RESTful API Server
http://localhost:8080/hsp-api/data/Patient?_format=json - This should result in aJSON FHIR bundle containing all the default patients in the system.