Installing KIE for OpenCDS using Docker

Installing KIE for OpenCDS using Docker


The following instructions assume that you are comfortable using and configuring Windows.


  1. Make sure that you have the 64-bit version of Windows O/S

  2. If necessary, change a setting in your BIOS to support 64-bit virtual machines (it is often turned off by default)

  3. Strongly suggest that you install Cygwin https://cygwin.com/install.html if you don't have it already

    1. This is a tool that allows you to issue Linux commands to a Linux process running on a separate machine

      1. the separate machine will be created by the Docker scripts as a VirtualBox running Ubuntu

    2. This will allow you to start and stop KIE server from Cygwin, and to view the logs produced by KIE as it runs

  4. Follow the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/installation/windows/ to Install Docker for Windows
    1. It will install a program named boot2docker in a VirtualBox running Ubuntu
    2. There are instructions below to install the KIE Dockerfile so that boot2docker will run KIE.

Installation Script for Windows

These instructions assume that you are comfortable configuring Windows, and that you have Cygwin (or another tool to issue Linux commands to a Linux machine). 

They are based on the Linux instructions written by Salvador Rodriguez on the Docker KIE web-site with some modifications for Windows and Cygwin.

Initial setup script follows:

from a windows command prompt:
  boot2docker start

from a Cygwin command prompt:
  boot2docker ssh (enter PW tcuser when prompted from the docker@boot2docker prompt)
  git clone https://bitbucket.org/Salvador_Rdz/kie.git
  sudo docker build -t="opencds/kie:ubuntu" .
  sh tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run
  ifconfig (optional, to find IP address)

back to Windows, from the networking tab in VirtualBox,

  • select first adapter,
  • click on PortForwarding button,
  • click on + icon to add new port forwarding,
  • name it localhost, and enter Host Port = 8080, Guest Port = 8080 and leave everything else alone,
  • click on OK to save port forwarding,
  • click on OK to save network changes)


Now try browser to http://localhost:8080/kie-wb/kie-wb.html and you should have a KIE login screen.

login with ID and PW both = admin


Scripts for Running KIE from Windows

<to be done>


============================================== initial setup script below

(from a windows command prompt, or possibly but not tested from cygwin)
  boot2docker start
(from cygwin)
  boot2docker ssh (enter PW tcuser when prompted)
  git clone https://bitbucket.org/Salvador_Rdz/kie.git

//at root@boot2docker prompt: login docker
//PW: tcuser

at docker@boot2docker prompt:

sudo docker build -t="opencds/kie:ubuntu" .
sh tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run
ifconfig (to find IP address)
(from the networking tab in VirtualBox,
select first adapter,
click on PortForwarding button,
click on + icon to add new port forwarding,
name it localhost, and enter Host Port = 8080 and Guest Port = 8080 and leave everything else alone,
click on OK to save port forwarding,
click on OK to save network changes)

Now try browser to http://localhost:8080/kie-wb/kie-wb.html

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