Configuration Front-end Tooling (REST Client)

Configuration Front-end Tooling (REST Client)


A command-line tool is provided with the OpenCDS distribution, which may be run in any MacOSX/Linux based terminal, or the windows console or powershell.

Four options exist for working with the Configuration REST Services, namely GET, UPLOAD, DELETE, TRANSFER.

Each of these methods require the base URL to the OpenCDS Configuration REST Service, the username and the password.

The URL will likely be of the form:


which points to the Configuration REST services.

The username and password for the relevant user are configured as described in REST Security.

Configuration File

For simplification of interactions with many OpenCDS instances (or even one), the code accepts a --config option as follows (using UPLOAD–see option below):

sh ./bin/upload.sh --config <groovy configuration file> <options>

.\bin\upload.bat --config <groovy configuration file> <options>

Example contents of this file is as follows:


cli {
    url = "http://my-opencds.org:8080/opencds-decision-support-service/config/v1" // or
    urls = [
    username = "my-admin-username"
    password = "my-admin-password"

Either url and urls may be used to specify the URL of each instance of OpenCDS.

If none of these exist in this configuration file, the code will require the options to be specified on the command-line.


sh ./bin/get.sh --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass> --outfile <file>

.\bin\get.bat --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass> --outfile <file>



retrieve the full collection of Concept Determination Methods


retrieve the full collection of Execution Engines


retrieve the full collection of Knowledge Modules (metadata)


retrieve the full collection of Semantic Signifiers


retrieve the full collection of Plugin Packages

--cdmid <CDMID>

retrieves the Concept Determination Method specified by CDMID

--eeid <EEID>

retrieves the Execution Engine metadata specified by EEID

--kmid <KMID>

retrieves the Knowledge Module metadata specified by KMID

--kmid <KMID> --kmp

retrieves the Knowledge Module package associated with the Knowledge Module specified by KMID

--kmid <KMID> --sd

retrieve the full collection of Supporting Data (metadata) associated with the Knowledge Module specified by KMID 

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID>

retrieves the Supporting Data (metadata) specified by SDID associated with the Knowledge Module specified by KMID

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID> --sdp

retrieves the Supporting Data package specified by SDID associated with the Knowledge Module specified by KMID

--ssid <SSID>

retrieves the Semantic Signifier metadata specified by the SSID

--ppid <PPID>

retrieve the Plugin Package metadata specified by the PPID



sh ./bin/upload.sh --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>

.\bin\upload.bat --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>


--file <file>

Upload a file from the filesystem.  In most cases, the type is detected from the input.

--kmid <KMID> --kmp --file <Knowledge Module package file>

Upload a Knowledge Package associated with the Knowledge Module specified by KMID.

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID> --file <Supporting Data metadata file>

Upload a Supporting Data metadata file specified by SDID associated with the KnowledgeModule specified by the KMID.

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID> --sdp --file <Supporting Data package file>

Upload a Supporting Data data package specified by SDID associated with the KnowledgeModule specified by KMID.


sh ./bin/delete.sh --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>

.\bin\delete.bat --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>


--cdmid <CDMID>
Delete the specified Concept Determination Method specified by the CDMID.

--eeid <EEID>

Delete the Execution Engine specified by the EEID.

--kmid <KMID>

Delete the Knowledge Module specified by the KMID.

--kmid <KMID> --kmp

Delete the Knowledge Package specified by the KMID.

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID>

Delete the Supporting Data metadata specified by the KMID and associated with the specified SDID.

--kmid <KMID> --sdid <SDID> --sdp

Delete the Supporting Data package specified by the KMID and associated with the specified SDID.

--ssid <SSID>

Delete the Semantic Signifier specified by the SSID.

--ppid <PPID>

Delete the Plugin Package specified by the PPID.



sh ./bin/transfer.sh --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>

.\bin\transfer.bat --url <url> --username <user> --password <pass>


--folder <folder>
The folder from which all configuration artifacts will be read to transfer a file-based repository to a remote REST-accessible repository.

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