Installing Tomcat

Installing Tomcat

  1. Download latest Tomcat
    1. Windows:
      1. Download “32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer” from relevant download page at http://tomcat.apache.org
      2. OpenCDS prior to version 1.3 has been tested using both Apache Tomcat versions 6 and 7, and it can be built to run on either, but the public download is built for Tomcat version 7.

        1. Note:  OpenCDS beginning with version 1.3 must run on Tomcat 7

        2. Note:  OpenCDS will not deploy on JBoss without making some changes to the included libraries
      3. Accept defaults
      4. Installation directory may be changed if desired

      5. Set Tomcat Administrator Login to something secure

        1. You may even prefer to remove the administrator login if you have physical access to the server.
      6. Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables → System Variables

        1. Set CATALINA_HOME to, e.g., “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0”

        2. Add %CATALINA_HOME%\bin to Path

          1. In this example, was added to beginning of Path
    2. Linux/Mac:
      1. download the tar.gz package, and unpack it to the desired location.
      2. Set CATALINA_HOME to the location of the Tomcat folder
        1. export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/tomcat
      3. Add CATALINA_HOME/bin to PATH
        1. export PATH=$PATH:$CATALINA_HOME/bin