Installing Tomcat
Installing Tomcat
- Download latest Tomcat
- Windows:
- Download “32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer” from relevant download page at http://tomcat.apache.org
OpenCDS prior to version 1.3 has been tested using both Apache Tomcat versions 6 and 7, and it can be built to run on either, but the public download is built for Tomcat version 7.
Note: OpenCDS beginning with version 1.3 must run on Tomcat 7
- Note: OpenCDS will not deploy on JBoss without making some changes to the included libraries
- Accept defaults
Installation directory may be changed if desired
Set Tomcat Administrator Login to something secure
- You may even prefer to remove the administrator login if you have physical access to the server.
Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables → System Variables
Set CATALINA_HOME to, e.g., “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0”
Add %CATALINA_HOME%\bin to Path
- In this example, was added to beginning of Path
- Linux/Mac:
- download the tar.gz package, and unpack it to the desired location.
- Set CATALINA_HOME to the location of the Tomcat folder
- export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/tomcat
- Windows: