OpenCDS Interim Knowledge Repository (obsolete)
OpenCDS Interim Knowledge Repository (obsolete)
Notes about interim OpenCDS file-based Knowledge Repository last updated 2012-01-11 The OpenCDS SVN repository for svn_1.0 (currently containing a preview named RC6 - release candidate #6) contains an embedded file-based knowledge repository. These files include sample rules, settings, and other data required to run a demo copy of OpenCDS. DO NOT modify these files in the default embedded location! If you do, you will lose all your work if you do a refresh from SVN, because it will overwrite anything in the default embedded location... If you intend to work with the KR, and don't want to lose what you are doing, do the following first: 1. Copy the entire directory named "opencds-knowledge-repository-data" to a new location that is outside of the root opencds-parent directory, so it won't be overwritten by an SVN import. 2. Then modify the resource file found in the opencds-decision-support-service resources named "opencds-decision-support-service-config.xml" to point to this new location.
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