Versions Compared


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  • evalTime
  • clientLanguage
  • clientTimeZoneOffset
  • focalPersonId
  • assertions
    • This object is a set of strings, or more specifically, Set<String>, and is a placeholder for assertions and is instantiated and given to Drools as a global variable. Drools may write to this set to provide the calling code with the information about the inferencing performed on the input data. (As of today--2014-09-20) the assertions object is not being used external to Drools, as there is a rule that is commonly being used which assembles the assertions into a comma-delimited list, as part of the vMR output.)
  • globals
    • This object (created and added to the PreProcessPluginContext) is a Map of String to Object, or more specifically, Map<String, Object>.  The key of each map entry may be any given String, which is typically used as a Global within the Drools context.  Names are restricted to any value other than the following:
      • read-only: evalTimeclientLanguageclientTimeZoneOffsetfocalPersonId
      • read-write: assertions, and namedObjects
  • resultFactLists
    • This object is a Map of String to List, or more specifically, Map<String, List<?>>.  Data contained by this map are the result fact lists, which are the final return value of the DroolsAdapter.getOneResponse method and OpenCDS post processing.
    • Effectively this is a copy of allFactLists (above) with any changes made by Drools, and the contents of namedObjects (added by OpenCDS after Drools processing).
      • Currently namedObjects informs the output XML generator to determine which elements should be included in the output XML.
  • cache
    • Cache is a cache of data within an OpencdsCache cache region, where plugins may store the data they support for future processing, as in the case of, e.g., SupportingData.
